October 6, 2015

Harp Arora, Social Media Consultant

Principal Brand & Social Media Consultant, Sedona Communications

Harp Arora, Brand and Social Media ConsultantAs a brand and social media consultant, Harp helps organizations get noticed. Through her consulting and training work, she shows clients how to create more impact with their communications in both the digital and offline space.

She offers a unique blend of expertise, fed by insider insights from the corporate, academic, and agency worlds.

The result? Clear and compelling messages that get eyeballs – and action.

Before launching Sedona Communications in 2003, Harp held a number of corporate marketing roles, most recently as Director of Marketing Communications at a Fortune 500 financial services firm.

With a knack for bringing clarity to complex issues, she dives into the tougher questions that offer bigger insights. Her ideas are grounded in theory, tested in reality, and carried out with creativity.Certified Professional Social Media Marketing

As an early adopter of social media, Harp quickly recognized its power to revolutionize business. She’s used it to level the playing field – giving small and mid-sized clients an unmatched opportunity to compete and win. All without the deep pockets of the big players.

Harp has taught a number of marketing courses in University of Waterloo’s and Wilfrid Laurier University’s undergrad and MBA programs.

Advanced Social Advertising Professional DesignationShe holds an MBA, a BA in Psychology, and 2 social media certifications: Social Media Marketing Professional and Advanced Social Advertising Professional.

As a columnist for Exchange business magazine, she’s written about social media trends, practices and issues. She’s also a contributing author to “Sales Gurus Speak Out”, a bestseller published in 6 languages.

Sedona Communications is based in Leamington and Waterloo Ontario. Learn more about our consulting services or our social media management programs.